
Fallout 4 fev cure
Fallout 4 fev cure

When I first found out the Minutemen were a faction I immediately assumed “Okay so they are going to be like the NCR and maybe they will fight against a Redcoat themed faction echoing the Legion” and when I didn’t get that I thought “okay maybe Bethesda knows what they’re doing and will give me another faction that’s worthy of being the enemy of the Minutemen” and when I didn’t get that I thought “So you give me a laser musket, a General’s uniform, a revolutionary era fort, by the way, I had to fight fucking lobsters instead of people for, and the title General (can’t even command troops or change their uniform) of the Minutemen and I’m supposed to be satisfied?” You could have done so many things like adding a worthy enemy of the Minutemen because if you think about it they don’t have enemies.

fallout 4 fev cure fallout 4 fev cure

First and foremost, Fallout 4 wasted what the Minutemen and their questline could have been. I know I’m super late in hating on Fallout 4 but since I wanna test out my blog I thought “Why not”.

Fallout 4 fev cure